Saturday, March 16, 2013

 The Honorable Mr. John Boehner

Speaker of the House of Representatives

H-232, The Capitol

Washington, District of Columbia, 20515

Dear Mr. Speaker;

When you took the Gavel on behalf of a Republican Majority many of my fellow Republicans and I applauded, cheered with high hopes, the power of the purse rests in your collective hands.  The euphoria is past, and the structure of your legacy is failing, brave words do not a notable speaker make, brave, resolute actions do.  Are you a Republican In Name Only?

Your actions, essentially kissing the emperor’s hem, chanting “Yes your majesty!  Yes, immediately!” would seem to indicate that you are, going along to get along, a true R.I.N.O.  Obey the Rule of Law, obey the Constitution you stood so proudly for when your chamber formed and was sworn.

Article I § 2, [3] states that “all direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states based upon the population,” this clause implies that ‘Block Grants’ shall be used to distribute the largess of government, not the several extra constitutional Executive Branch Departments, only the Departments of State and Defense, though the Constitution classifies them as Armies, Militia and Navy, are Constitutionally authorized to exist.  Further § 7, [1] states that all revenue bills shall be conceived in the House of Representatives.  Neither the Senate nor the Executive are authorized Constitutionally write a budget, though the Senate may propose, by amendment, changes that must be agreed to in conference committees.  Past Practices and ‘Rules’ are not Law, the Constitution is.

Therefore I must ask why the Affordable Care Act is still funded, why do all the extra constitutional departments of the Executive Branch still receive funding.  It is understood that there are certain extra constitutionally created entitlement programs, Social Security, Social Security Disability, Medicare, Medicaid and Temporary Aid for Needy Families, that must exist until they can be successfully implemented as state programs with necessary civil service employees transferred to the several states, immediately followed by the dissolution of their parent departments or agencies.

Lastly, I will tell you that you and all of you work for us, the American People, and that we demand several immediate actions:

1)       A National Right to Work Law that requires the States to allow unionization at the demand of the workers only within a particular place of employment, not at the requirement of the State.  That employees of a place shall neither be forced not coerced to join an union or similar association.

2)       That the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs shall become subordinate the former, transferring the entire operational staff to the former, to better keep the required effort to keep Mr. Lincoln’s promise, in all that it implies.  I am,

Respectfully yours,